Educational Advocacy

IEP Advocacy

Our goal is to make sure every student has access to the resources and support they need to learn.

  • Observe your child in the classroom to understand their needs and challenges. Home and community observations are conducted as needed.

  • Attend IEP meetings and parent teacher conferences to make sure your child’s needs are heard and addressed.

  • Review all of your child’s records including their IEPs, progress reports, and school letters. Help clarify IEP goals, accommodations, and progress, and highlight areas for potential questions or support.

  • Help families and schools collaboratively resolve disagreements about a student's IEP through facilitated discussions.

  • Assist families in navigating conflicts, communicating with schools, understanding legal rights, and seeking appropriate solutions.

  • Conduct independent education evaluations (IEE) for functional behavior assessments (FBAs).

More Services

504 Plans

Help students and their families ensure access to appropriate accommodations and supports under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

Alternative placement options

Explore educational options such as private school, homeschooling, and reentry into public school.


Initial evaluation requests, letters, emails and phone calls with school personnel, lawyers, etc.